To rub it
This is a book on Japanese sumo.───这是一本论述日本相扑的书。
Wrestlers train in sumo stables here.───相扑选手在这里集中训练.
Along with enthusiasm, sumo commands a large measure of reverence.───除了狂热之外, 相扑还博得民众普遍的崇敬.
SUMO and SENP are important in cancer development, neurological diseases and heart development.───相扑和SENP在癌症的发生, 神经疾病和心脏发育中是重要的.
Sumo wrestling is attractive.───相扑角力充满吸引力.
Two tickets to the sumo tournament. You deserve a break today.───两张相扑的门票, 你该休息一天.
What do you feed a sumo wrestler?───相扑选手吃什么?