table manners
吃相───table manners
Consider norms of etiquette, such as the fine points of table manners.───在礼仪规范中, 例如餐桌礼仪中的某些不错的条例.
He attacked the food as quickly as decent table manners allowed.───他在不失礼的情况下尽快地用了餐。
Table manners change over time. They follow the fashion the time.───餐桌习惯因时间的改变而变化, 他们跟随着时代的步伐.
In the West, table manners are very important.───在西方, 餐桌礼节是很重要的.
Table manners change over time, they follow the fashion of the day.───餐桌礼仪会随着时间而变迁, 随时尚而变化.
Remember your table manners: companies want employees with social as well as job skills.───记住你的餐桌礼仪: 公司希望员工除了工作技能之外还有社交技能.
People think that's bad table manners!───人们会认为那是很不礼貌的.
But, let's talk about table manners first.───不过, 让我们先谈谈餐桌礼仪.
Their table manners perfectly reflect the slovenly appearance.
Your table manners are appalling - don't you know how to use a knife and fork?
Good table manners, I submit, are largely overrated.
Don't they teach you table manners at school?
Since dress, gait and table manners instantly distinguish social rank, all over the world, why not speech as well?