Thread tie
线───Line;帖儿───Tie er
I can't get an outside line.───我接不通外线。
Your bill includes line rental.───你的账单包括电话线路的租用费。
The ball went over the line.───越线出界了。
The Retailer Service calls the operation, which returns a list with status as to which line items it was able to ship.───零售商服务调用该操作,该操作返回带有状态(状态表示可以运送哪些行项)的列表。
Money management rules draw a straight line between a business-man's risk and a loss, as you will see later in this book.───资金管理的原则会在生意人的风险和亏损之间画一条线,你会在本书后面看到。
This advice is in line with that of most major medical organizations in the United States, the authors comment.───作者们评价说该主张与美国大多数的主要医疗组织的主张一致。
Would you like to stay on the line?
The bottom line is that recycling isn't profitable.
The railway line will soon reach to our town.
The bottom line is the bottom line.
Start each paragraph on a new line.