There is a large family to support
家人───family;一大───Big one
The condition of her family was not improving.───她的家境仍无转机.
I like to bring my friends home to a warm welcome from my family.───我喜欢邀请朋友到家作客,并使他们受到家里人的热烈欢迎.
She was from a musical family.───她出身于音乐世家.
She has overloaded her schedule with work, study, and family responsibilities.───她的日程表上排满了工作 、 学习 、 家务等,使自己负担过重.
Parents and children form a family.───父母和子女组成了一个家庭.
Their family has a plentiful harvest this year.───他们家今年又丰收了.
The spy never told his family about his underground activities.───那个间谍从来不把他的地下活动告诉他的家人.
They have married for two years, but have not any family yet.───他们已经结婚两年了, 但是还没有子女.