The tickets are separate
It'll be difficult to get past the ticket collector without paying.───不付钱很难瞒过检票员的.
The ticket reads to Beijing via Shanghai.───车票上写明经上海到北京.
You simply can't get a ticket through official channels.───通过官方渠道是压根儿搞不到票的.
Ticket prices shot up last year.───去年票价猛涨。
He fumbled about in his pockets for the ticket.───他(瞎)摸着衣兜找票.
I'll mount guard over the luggage while you get the ticket.───你去买票,我来看管行李.
We should be able to dig up enough money for your ticket.───我们应该能够筹集到足够的钱供你买票.
You must show your ticket at the barrier.───你在关卡处必须出示许可证.
You must pay for the ticket in advance.
We went to renew our monthly season ticket.
Let's toss up for the last ticket.
Where can I buy a ticket?
I'm ready to travel, and you're my ticket.