The sound of reading
读书声───The sound of reading;清脆───Crisp
The classroom is full of the sound of reading.───教室里充满了朗朗的读书声。
More and more, in Pittsburgh and Lansing, Madison and Ann Arbor, Boston and Miami and Spokane, I'd finish reading the story to the sound of ambulance sirens arriving outside.───从匹兹堡到兰辛,从麦迪逊到安阿伯,从波士顿到迈阿密再到斯波坎,越来越多次我是在救护车的警笛声中读完这个故事。
So some of their writings sound like they were reading basically good scripture but reading it through the eyes of certain kinds of philosophy.───因此他们的一些作品听上去就像,他们读了一些很好的圣典,但是是以某种特定的哲学眼光来读的。
823: The most beautiful music to teachers is the sound of reading.───对教师来说,琅琅书声就是最优美的音乐。
In the morning, the sound of reading fills the campus.───早晨,琅琅的读书声传遍了校园。