The cat is also a member of his family
A cat is a tame animal.───猫是一种温顺的动物.
The fairy king and queen were contending over possession of the cat.───仙王和仙后争着要这只猫.
The cat dozed off by the fire.───那只猫在炉边打瞌睡.
The cat forages for food.───猫在寻找食物。
Just when I put the glass safely down on the table, the cat jumped up and knocked it off.───我刚把杯子稳稳当当地放在桌子上, 猫就跳上去给弄倒了.
She opened the door and the cat whipped in.───她打开门,那只猫一闪而入.
Aargh—get that cat off the table!───啊—把那猫从桌上赶走!
I left my cat in trust with a neighbor while I went on holiday.───我去度假时把猫交给一个邻居照顾.
A cat may look at a king.
Our cat produced kittens last week.
The cat clawed the chair.
The cat laid a dead mouse at my feet.
They finally found the cat up on the roof.