Because he's too cold
She sucked an ice cube into her mouth, and crunched it loudly.───她吸了块冰块到嘴里,嘎嘣嘎嘣地大声嚼着。
Desserts are served with cream or ice cream.───甜点上加奶油或冰激凌。
I actually skated, and despite some teetering I did not fall on the ice.───我真的滑冰了——尽管有些踉跄,但没有跌跟头。
I'll have lemonade please—no ice.───请给我来份柠檬汽水—不加冰块。
The ice is thawing.───冰在融化.
Iron, wood and ice are solids.───铁 、 木和冰是固体.
He was still mumbling something about hospitals at the end of the party when he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg.───宴会结束时,他仍在咕哝着医院里的事.说着说着,他在一块冰上滑倒,跌断了左腿.
This could cause the ice caps to melt.───这可能导致地球冰冠融化。
Is the ice thick enough for skating?
She scooped ice cream into their bowls.
The pond was covered in ice all winter.
The teacher warned the students off the thin ice.
That species disappeared in the Ice Age.