be excluded
I cannot entirely exclude the possibility that some form of pressure was applied to the neck.───我不能完全排除有些压力作用到了颈部的可能性。
We should not exclude the possibility of negotiation.───我们不应该排除谈判的可能性。
She gets very upset if I exclude her from anything.───如果有什么事我将她排除在外,她就会非常难过。
As for spring, not even the narrow and gloomy streets round the Bank of England are quite able to exclude it.───甚至连英格蓝河岸阴暗狭窄的街道也可见春天的气象。
The word "carried" in the Definition should not be taken so literally as to exclude the pulling of a cart by a caddie.───“携带”一词在定义里不应该只按字面意思理解而排除由球童拉着的球车。
On a more granular level, you could exclude certain detectors from finding problems within a specified set of classes or even methods.───在更细化的水平上,可以在指定的一组类甚至是方法中查找问题时,排除某些检测器。