Be formed
The formation temperature controls the physiological activity of the microbe and the production of the methane.───分析了地层温度、咸化环境和还原环境等因素对阳信洼陷沙一段生物气生成、聚集和保存的控制作用.
The general arrayed the tanks into battle formation.───那位将军把坦克排列成战斗队形.
Latent track formation is one of the important effects induced by heavy ions in condensed matter.───潜径迹是电子能损在凝聚态物质中引起的重要效应之一.
He was flying in formation with seven other jets.───他和其他7架喷气机一起列队飞行。
So too are feeling, cognition, formation , and consciousness.───受、想 、 行 、 识, 亦复如是.
The Type 27 Grenade Discharger also launched deadly grenades into the enemy formation.───二七式掷弹筒,也不断的向敌军投射.
The aircraft are flying in formation.───飞机编队飞行.
The main thrust of the research will be the study of the early Universe and galaxy formation.───此项研究的核心是早期宇宙和银河系的形成。
The aircraft are flying in formation.