By what
当做───treat as;什么───what
good on certain occasions we treat as bad, and conversely the bad as good.───我们有时将好事视为坏事,反之则将坏事视为好事。
Select the characters you want to treat as identical in a nonspecific search.───请选择在非特定搜索中视为等同的字符.
We will treat as we expect to be treated: with respect for different views.───我们会推己及人、将心比心: 尊重各种不同的观点.
He felt it was most politic to treat as of the lightest importance.───他认为最策略的办法是摆出一副若无其事的样子.
In this language, you wish to treat as delimiters but otherwise ignore Spaces, tabs, carriage returns and newlines.───在该语言中,您希望将空格、跳格、回车和换行作为分隔符处理,而不是将其忽略。
Create a new Type Tree for the incoming messages from the REST client which you will treat as binary (also known as non-XML).───为来自REST客户端的消息(将看作二进制,也称为非xml)创建一个新的Type Tree。
For the good on certain occasions we treat as bad, and conversely the bad as good.───因此我们有时将好事视为坏事, 反之则将坏事视为好事.
Indeed anything that you can treat as construction can and should be automated.───实际上一切可以被当作“施工”的事情都能够而且应该自动化.
We will treat as we expect to be treated: with respect for different views.
Treat as completely confidential any information they bring to you.
One drinker described the treat as having the smell of cleanscrubbed skin, sandy earth, stone fruit and raw almonds,[] with the aroma of marzipan.
We use the time to treat as the gift, greets the challenge surmounting dream.
He felt it was most politic to treat as of the lightest importance.