There were some mediate contacts between the two countries before their diplomatic relation was established.───在两国外交关系建立之前,已经有些间接的接触.
The relations between our two countries have improved markedly in every aspect.───我们两国的关系在各方面都有了显著的发展.
The border between China and Korea has been formally delimited.───中国与朝鲜的边界已正式划定了.
Don't stir up trouble between them.───不要在他们之间惹麻烦.
He stroked the ball between the posts.───他轻轻一触,把球踢进门柱之间。
There is a great deal of difference between the two.───两者相差甚远.
They decided to retreat lest they would be between two fires.───他们决定撤退,否则就要受两面夹击.
He turned back the coverlet and slipped between the sheets.───他掀开床罩,钻进被单里.