Brand slogan
The Republicans tried to trump this with their slogan.───共和党人试图用他们的口号来胜出。
Of course, certain persons used this slogan as a pretext for misleading the people.───当然, 这个口号在某些人来说是一个陪衬,其目的是用反腐败来蛊惑人心.
Not complete, scientific system of military regulations, military law can only be a slogan.───没有完备 、 科学的军事法规体系, 依法治军就只能是一句口号.
fittest," a slogan that virtually preempted all debate.───适者生存”,一个几乎无可辩驳的口号。
The ceremony was disrupted by unprecedented heckling and slogan-chanting.───典礼因前所未有的起哄和口号声而中断。
Equality of men and women is not a slogan.───男女平等不是一句口号.
Slogan: the first time to achieve full customer satisfaction with the quality.───口号: 第一次就做好,达到客户充分满意的质量.
It'sounds so great and what a significant slogan it is!───这条口号真是太好了,很有意义.
Such a slogan will bind our hand and foot.