This is an advertising agency with all its jugglery of public sentiment.───这是一家耍花样竭力投合公众心理的广告代理商.
Should sentiment be controlled by reason?───感情应受理智的控制 吗 ?
But I like this have not given up own sentiment.───但是我并没有这样而放弃自己的感情.
His love had been woven of sentiment rather than passion.───他的爱是以情感而不是以情欲为其经纬的.
In works of imagination and sentiment meter is butadventitious to composition.───在幻想和感伤的作品中,格律在写作中只是偶然的.
The same sentiment guarded him from betraying himself.───同样的情感也阻碍着他说心里话.
How to when mood ors, alleviate intense sentiment?───心情特压抑时如何缓解紧张情绪?
With the last sentiment, Arnold was in hearty agreement.───阿诺德强烈赞成最后一个观点。
Cloying speech or sentiment.