Seaside scenery
These houses seem to blend into the surrounding scenery.───这些房屋似乎与周围的景色融为一体了.
The island offers such a wide variety of scenery and wildlife.───这个岛屿拥有丰富多样的景致及种类繁多的野生动植物。
The west lake is famous for its beautiful scenery.───西湖以风景优美著称.
The route took us through scenery quite inaccessible to the motorist.───这条路线带我们穿越了驾车者难以抵达的风景区。
If there's good skiing, breathtaking scenery and you don't need to catch a plane, all the better!───如果有好的滑雪场、令人叹为观止的美景,又不用赶飞机,那就再好不过了。
Spring scenery provokes people's interest.───春色撩人.
Don't expect young children to be as enchanted with the scenery as you are.───不要指望小孩子们像你一样为那种景色所陶醉。
The passengers were enthralled by the scenery.───乘客们被这景色迷住了。
The city is celebrated for its beautiful scenery.
The majestic Montana scenery will leave you breathless.
The village is charming and the surrounding scenery superb.
The passengers were enthralled by the scenery.
Lash the scenery up ready for the next act.