He didn't intend any sarcasm.───他没有任何讽刺的意思。
Your attempts at sarcasm are not very happy.───你的挖苦是很不成功的.
Keith hoped the obvious sarcasm would have its intended effect.───基思希望这一明显的讽刺能达到预期的效果。
Her sarcasm pained him.───她的挖苦使他难过.
Matthew Perry ( responding to a comment about his seemingly neverending sarcasm ).───马修回应一则关于他看上去无时不刻在挖苦人的评论.
His book commingles sarcasm and sadness.───他的作品混合了挖苦和悲伤.
Fred ignored the sarcasm.───弗雷德对讽刺挖苦置之不理。
His remarks smacked of sarcasm.───他这么说,是话里带刺儿.
His book commingles sarcasm and sadness.