The paper has treated the karst groundwater resources of the Sangu spring basin as research object, and six aspects have been researched.───本文在上述背景下对晋城市三姑泉域岩溶地下水资源进行了六个方面的研究。
most famous Daquan Lake has its source in Sangu spring — the first spring of Cathay, its flow amounts to 7.3 cubic meters per second, water being clean and refreshing sweet.───最著名的大泉湖发源于号称“华夏第一泉”的三姑泉,该泉流量高达每秒7.3立方米,水质清冽,甘甜爽口。
I said: finished. Sangu said: you buy so much of what is written, King put it?───我说:做完了。三姑说:给你买这么多书是干什么的,摆景呀?
Owners of the Sangu and especially the Kobu and Sobu railroads also profited handsomely as a result of the nationalization (see Table 23).───参宫铁路业主,还有特别是甲武和总武铁路业主,也都从铁路国有化中获利颇丰(见表23)。
"Shaw's Women" , "Sangu mind" and other Chinese folk stories translated into women by their books libretto.───《肖氏女》、《三姑记》等汉语民间故事也被她们翻译成女书唱本。