Was the noise a cause of the illness, or were the complaints about noise merely a symptom?───噪音是病因呢, 还是对噪音的抱怨仅仅是一种症状 呢 ?
What is the early days symptom of second liver?───乙肝的前期症状是什么?
What is the symptom of parotitis?───腮腺炎的症状是什么?
One prominent symptom of the disease is progressive loss of memory.───这种病的一个突出症状是记忆的逐步丧失。
One prominent symptom of the disease is progressive loss of memory.───这种疾病的一个显著症状就是记忆逐渐丧失。
Snoring can also be a symptom of diabetes or hypothyroidism.───打鼾可能是糖尿病或甲状腺机能减退的症状.
Victoria was strangely undisturbed by this symptom, even though her husband and family were frightened.───尽管丈夫和家人都吓坏了,维多利亚却对这一症状出奇地淡定。
Huge fiscal deficits are a symptom of the crisis, a cause.───巨额财政赤字是危机的症状, 不是原因.
They claim it is a symptom of a deeper and more general malaise in society.