Symptoms of a new type of coronary pneumonia
These are called coronal mass ejections.───这被称为日冕物质抛射。
A coronal mass ejection can cause problems on Earth.───日冕物质抛射可能对地球造成各种影响。
The midpoint of the internal edge of the parahippocampal gyrus on coronal MRI images provides a landmark to choose appropriate approaches.───MRI 冠状位上,海马旁回内缘中点可以作为两种入路选择的解剖标志点。
The jury is still out on how much the spicules contribute to the coronal heat, but scientists agree it's an important step forward.───人们在这些针状体对日冕层温度的贡献多寡这个问题上依旧众说纷纭,但科学家们认为这是(对谜团作出解释的)重要的一步。
The top image shows the beginning of the coronal mass ejection, while the lower image shows the solar matter leaving the Sun's corona.───上图显示的是日冕物质抛射的开始,而下图显示的是太阳物质脱离日冕的景象。
These brain slices were cut in a coronal plane: Imagine looking from the front of the head through to the back.───这些是经过冠状面切割得到的大脑切片,读者可以想象从大脑前部切向后部。