It will save the student from wasting his time in exercises.───这可使学生不至于把时间浪费在做练习上.
They made a desperate attempt to save the company.───他们为挽救公司作孤注一掷的努力.
You'd better save your hide.───你还是不受皮肉之苦为好.
A man who always anticipates his income can never save or become rich.───总是预支工资,寅吃卯粮的人,永远不能储蓄或成为富人.
He plunged into the water to save the child.───他跳入水中救小孩.
A last moment election can save the day.───最后一刻举行选举可能会反败为胜。
It will save trouble if you pay the bill now.───如果你现在付账就没事了.
His business is failing; he's mortgaged all his assets to try to save it.───他的企业在亏损, 他抵押了所有资产企图挽救它.