The ill fated ship was sent off course into shallow waters and rammed by another vessel.───这艘倒霉的船偏离航道误入浅水区,被另外一艘船撞上了。
Once upon a time a big, fat frog lived in a tiny shallow pond.───从前,有一只小的, 胖的青蛙住在又小又浅的池塘里.
And poisoning are not shallow!───而且中毒不浅!
The dish is too shallow to serve soup in.───盘子太浅,盛不了汤.
Tony seemed very shallow and immature.───托尼看起来好像很肤浅,不夠成熟.
a shallow, unsatisfying relationship───淡薄而不令人满意的关系
The network has detected quite a number of shallow earthquakes along the trough.───新台网已记录到许多沿海槽发生的浅源地震.
It is difficult to make seismic acquisition in offshore shallow water areas because of draft.───随着海上勘探研究的深入,渤海海域浅水区不断有新的油气发现,浅水区地震资料采集成为亟待解决的难题.
I think he is shallow, vain and untrustworthy.
Put the milk in a shallow dish.
We waded across a shallow stream.
Shallow streams make most din.
They waded the river at a shallow point.