Reserved face
矜容───Reserved face
They were friendly but refreshingly reserved toward her; a beautiful face didn't place very high on the scale of austere New England values.───人们待她友好但有些拘谨,美貌在这个简朴的新英格兰地区没有非常被看重。
Ordinary folk who inadvertently stray into the reserved lanes will face draconian fines.───普通人如果误入这些专用车道,将面临严厉的罚款。
Although all women face a trade-off between the resources their bodies allocate toreproduction and those reserved for the maintenance of health, robust women can affordmore of both than frail ones.───尽管许多女人面临着一个权衡,那就是在身体分配给生育所需的资源和保留给保持身体健康所需营养之间权衡。