Rehabilitation treatment
Even if the recovery is under way, it may be some time before the official number crunchers confirm it.───即便经济已经开始复苏,仍要过一段时间官方统计数字才能确认这一点。
The patient made a rapid recovery.───病人很快恢复了健康。
The wounded man made a miraculous recovery.───伤员奇迹般地痊愈了.
We are confident in our expectation of a full recovery.───我们满怀信心地期待着完全康复。
He argued that the economic recovery had been facilitated by his tough stance.───他认为他的强硬立场推动了经济的复苏。
The patient has contracted a fatal illness. There is little chance of his recovery.───这个病人已病入膏肓, 没有多少痊愈的希望了.
Usually when we're six months or so into a recovery, confidence begins to build.───通常我们在恢复约6个月后信心开始建立。
I wish you a speedy recovery.───祝你早日痊愈.
Her recovery was a special providence of God.
His recovery is a miracle.
The doctor said she'd make a quick recovery.
She is on the road to recovery.
Doctors expect him to make a full recovery.