Random wave
His study is in chaos; it takes long time to put his papers in order.───他的书房一片狼藉, 整理好他的文件要花好长时间.
A huge bomb blast brought chaos and devastation to the centre of Belfast yesterday.───昨天一颗威力巨大的炸弹在贝尔法斯特市中心爆炸,引起一片混乱并造成严重破坏。
Chaos reigned in the classroom.───教室里大乱.
Union officials made no apologies for the threatened chaos.───工会干部们对于迫在眉睫的混乱局面不予道歉。
A thin veneer of law and order barely keeps the seething, bubbling cauldron of chaos and anarchy in check.───表面上的几条法令基本控制不住无政府混乱局面的湍流涌动。
Bulgaria'seconomy has sunk into chaos.───保加利亚的经济已陷入了混乱。
The world's first transatlantic balloon race ended in chaos last night.───昨晚世界第一届跨大西洋热气球比赛在一片混乱中收场。
He was ultimately overthrown and the country descended into chaos.───他最终被推翻,整个国家则陷入了混乱。
His sudden departure threw the office into chaos.
Snow and ice have caused chaos on the roads.
The country was plunged into economic chaos.
Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.
A serious road accident caused traffic chaos yesterday.