On her wedding day the bride looked truly radiant.───在她婚礼那天,新娘看起来真的是容光焕发。
The evening sun warms the old red brick wall to a radiant glow.───夕阳为古老的红砖墙罩上了一层暖暖的炫目光辉。
The wind is gentle and the sun radiant.───风和日丽.
I 5 . n radiation, thermal energy is transformed into radiant energy, similar in nature to light.───热能在辐射时, 转换成性子与光相仿的辐射能.
As you evolve, the petals unfold to reveal a radiant jewel in the center.───当你进化的时候, 花瓣绽开显现出中心发光的珠宝.
Surround me in Her radiant light.───在包围我的她的绚烂光中.
The types, used burners and residual heat recuperation of radiant tubes are presented.───概述辐射管的类型 、 辐射管用烧嘴以及辐射管的余热回收.
Meteor showers are named after the constellation in which the radiant appears , for example the Perseids.───流星雨是由发出光源的所在星座而命名, 例如英仙座流星雨.
They have radiant heating.───他们有辐射供暖设备.
The bride looked radiant.───新娘看上去满面春风。
The bride looked radiant.