After a year of numerous and unsuccessful medical treatments, he became resigned to a life of rasping whispers.───经过为期一年的无数以失败告终的治疗后,他只能听天由命地用粗哑的嗓音低声说话。
breathe with a rasping sound.───用一种刺耳的声音呼吸。
Under my window a clean rasping sound───我的窗下,一个清晰而粗厉的响声
It was a rasping nervous wind, and the dust particles cut into a man's skin and burned his eyes.───大风让人们烦躁焦虑,尘土的微粒剐着人的脸,刺痛人的眼睛。
The master spent his last day of life wrapped in a quilt stitched by his wife, his rasping, irregular breaths filling the small bedroom.───大师裹着妻子亲手缝制的一条棉被走完了人生的最后一天,他暗哑且不规律的喘息声充斥着这间小小的卧室。