Rock art
岩画───Rock art
Rock art is the name given to pictures drawn on rock by ancient peoples.───岩石艺术是指古代人们在岩石上画的画。
Australia's first people expressed themselves in rock art.───澳大利亚的第一批原住民借助岩石艺术表达自我。
Artists of modem times can copy rock art rather easily.───现代的艺术家可以很容易地复制岩石艺术。
After boycotts and negative publicity, Monster's makers agreed to drop the matter provided that Rock Art did not start making energy drinks.───在收到抵制和负面的名声影响后,怪物饮料生产商同意撤销诉讼,条件是RockArt不在生产能量饮料。
In the latter decades of the twentieth century there were intensified efforts to understand and record the abundance of Australian rock art.───二十世纪后期,更多的努力放到了理解和记录澳大利亚岩石画的丰富性上。
Interest in the rock art of the original inhabitants of Australia has grown over the last two centuries.───对澳大利亚原住民岩石画的兴趣在过去两个世纪里增加
The Cedarberg mountain range in the Western Cape is renowned for its rock-art legacy. It has around 130 documented bushman rock art sites.
The petroglyph and similar works of rock art are considered a part of Native American's cultural heritage in Arizona.
European and the African all widely spread abundant rock art, and it gathers the luminous spot.
This well-preserved painting is among thousands that were discovered on a 2008 expedition to document rock art in Australia.
In Britain, rock art was a major feature, consisting frequently of cup-and-ring marks.