Parrots have many colors
He lives completely alone with a parrot.───他身边只有一只鹦鹉为伴.
Which colored parrot do you like?───你喜欢哪个颜色的鹦鹉?
The white parrot, named Jixiang ( fortune and luck ) , can also play swing and perform other stunts.───这只名为' 吉祥 '的白鹦鹉还会表演玩跷跷板和其它绝活.
Suddenly, he saw a foreign parrot and it was an amazing mimic.───突然, 他看到一个外国鹦鹉,它有惊人的模仿能力.
Mary is as sick as a parrot about losing her watch.───玛丽丢了表之后非常不高兴.
She's just a little parrot, don't let it bother you!───她只是爱模仿罢了, 别放在心上.
Snorkeling was amazing, daily seeing reef sharks, parrot fish and sting rays.───浮潜很惊奇, 每天可以看到礁鲨, 鹦鹉鱼和魟鱼.
Generations of students have learnt to parrot the standard explanations.───一代又一代学生学会了机械地重复这些标准解释。
It is not a writer's job to play the parrot.