Parallelism rhetoric
Rhetoric so, the advent of the decisive battle at the moment a very memorable taste.───如此豪言壮语, 在决战来临的一刻,个中滋味颇值得回味.
His fiery campaign rhetoric has kept opposition parties on their toes for months.───他激烈的竞选言辞使反对党派一连几个月都保持警觉。
S . rhetoric on Saturday amid televised scenes of chaos on Tehran's streets.───不过随着电视画面展现德黑兰街头的骚乱,奥巴马总统星期六使用了更强烈的言辞.
The harsh rhetoric had so soured officials that the two sides were barely speaking.───激烈的言辞让官员们关系如此恶化,双方几乎不怎么说话。
This falls under the head rhetoric.───这个属于修辞学项目.
His rhetoric sounds like the death rattle of a fading leadership.───他的华丽词藻听起来像是预示着将要倒台的临终哀鸣。
What is called eloquence in the forum is commonly found to be rhetoric in the study.───辩家将灵光闪现时的言辞说与面前愿悉听领受之人.
He developed an entire vocabulary, a rhetoric of righteous disobedience, of resistance, of protest and revolution.───他创造出了一整套词汇,一套用来表述正义的不服从,反抗,示威,以及革命的修辞。