A good joke or a mystery novel has along wind up to the final punchline.───好的笑话,或神秘小说,都是一路曲折,直至最后的笑料或真相.
Even then, the magical pause can strengthen the punchline.───即使这样, 有魔力的停顿依然可以增强笑点.
The pause adds punch to the punchline!───停顿为笑点增强冲击效果!
That might sound like the punchline to a political joke, but for the former American vice-president it is deadly serious.───这句话像是政治笑话的点睛之笔,但是对于这个美国前任副总统来说却是极其严肃的话题。
Even though you know the punchline, the scientific ideas that get explored in discussing the possibilities are interesting and exciting.───尽管你们知道亮点,但科学想法的探索和可能性的讨论是有趣且激动人心的。
I built the tension, used the pause to enhance the tension before the punchline, and then used the pause again to let the punchline sink in.───我制造紧张感,在笑点之前利用停顿增强紧张感,然后再利用停顿使听众理解笑点。
The punchline was delivered with perfect comic timing.
The signalman guffawed at his own punchline then disappeared from view, closing the window after him.
He forgot the punchline and the joke fell flat.
And of course, there isn't a punchline but the ending goes something like this.
At the punchline, Maria laughed much harder than the joke deserved.