Excess production of hormones during puberty can cause mood swings in tween girls and boys.───处于青春期早期的小学男女生,荷尔蒙的过多分泌会引起情绪波动.
The body undergoes many changes during puberty.───身体在青春期期间会发生许多变化.
Religion was practical: it helped people in birth at puberty, through marriage, and at death.───宗教是实用的: 它在出生时、青春期 、 在婚姻上, 在死亡时帮助人们.
He reached puberty at the age of fourteen.───他14岁时进入了青春期.
Also, with puberty, children, especially girls, begin to develop their own sense of identity.───此外, 青春期的儿童, 特别是女孩, 开始发展自己的个性.
As girls go through puberty, they may sometimes feel a bit awkward.───当女孩们经历青春期时, 她们有时可能会感到有些尴尬.
A phimosis can be cured only after puberty.───包茎只有在青春期后才能被治愈.
The figure of a girl fills out at puberty.───姑娘的身段在青春期变得丰满.
You reach puberty in your teens.