participate in a funeral ceremony
Her body was sent home for burial.───她的尸骨已运回家乡安葬。
The bones were disinterred and moved to a burial site.───骨头被掘出并移到了一片墓地。
The priest prepared the body for burial.───牧师为尸体做好了下葬的准备。
I found a person who watched with him, and was present at his burial.───我找到一个一直陪着他的人,葬礼的时候也在场。
Christine goes to the burial place of her father. She sings to him. The song is called "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again. "───Christine来到了他父亲的墓地。她唱给了幽灵一首歌“希望能在见到你”。
He made his way to a burial ground planted neatly around with pines. There were a dozen grave mounds.───走到一块坟地,四四方方的种着些松树,树当中有十几个坟头。
The finds from these burial grounds point to the existence of a prosperous matriarchal society.