her glossy mane of dark hair, pouting lips and sparkling green eyes, it is true that she is strikingly beautiful.───她的深色头发富有光泽,嘴唇翘翘的和碧绿色的眼睛闪闪发亮的,她真的是非常美丽。
The spoilt child sat there pouting.───那个娇惯坏了的孩子坐在那里撅嘴。
The child sat there pouting.───那孩子坐在那里撅嘴生气。
Even the most frugal among us may have our resolve weakened by the glassy eyes and pouting lips of our children.───即使是我们中最俭朴的人,就算是下了再大的决心也经不起孩子明净的眼神和撅嘴的模样。
her was her old nurse, whose puffy, yellow face was pouting with emotion, while tears rolled from her eyes.───紧紧地挤到她身旁来的是她的老保姆,她那又胖又黄的面孔,感情冲动得有点愠怒,眼里流着眼泪。
He had black close-cropped hair, grey eyes with long lashes, white cheeks and a mouth pouting As though he were determined not to cry. . .───他一头剪得很短的黑发,长长的睫毛下面有一双灰色的眼睛,白皙的面颊,撅起的嘴巴,就跟强忍住哭似的……
Stop pouting and eat your dinner.
She normally has very provocative girls with pouting lips and they're holding either like a soft bunny rabbit or a fox and it's very sweet and almost pornographic or sensual at the same time.
He sat pouting in front of her desk.
The floppy fringes and pouting lips of the respective lead singers are another story entirely.
Pouting mockingly, he gives his considered reply, before creasing up with laughter as his answer is translated.