Poster of animals
A cat is a tame animal.───猫是一种温顺的动物.
He was still sitting huddled like a cornered animal.───他还像一头困兽一样蜷缩着坐在那儿。
Near the end of Devonian times, thirty percent of all animal life vanished.───在泥盆纪末期,30%的动物物种都灭绝了。
The brush is made of animal bristles.───刷子是用动物的鬃毛制成的.
There was no doubting the animal magnetism of the man.───毫无疑问,这个男人身上透着一种野性魅力。
We were amused to see how assiduously the animal groomed its fur.───看着这只动物如此认真地梳理自己的毛,我们被逗乐了。
It's the lunatic fringe of the Animal Liberation Front which smashes the windows of butchers'shops, not ordinary members like us.───是 “动物解放阵线”的极端分子打碎了肉店的玻璃窗, 可不是我们这样的普通成员.
Animal husbandry on the grassland is developing rapidly.───草原上的畜牧业在迅速发展.
The animal wouldn't obey its driver.───牲口不听吆喝.
This man is an animal, a beast.───这人是个畜生,是个野兽。