Poster Sticker
The poster had been nipped to pieces.───海报被撕成碎片.
The sassy Russian star's poster the hottest at the season's first clay court tournament.───这位伶俐的俄罗斯球星的招贴画成了该赛季第一场红土地锦标赛的热点.
The poster caught people's eye.───这张海报吸引了人们的目光.
I tacked a poster to the wall.───我把一张海报贴到墙上.
I had seen the poster for the jazz festival in Monterey.───我已经见到了蒙特雷爵士音乐节的海报。
He saw the poster in the doctor's surgery.───他在那位医生的外科诊所里看到了这张海报.
The poster fell down.───海报掉下来了.
It also has its own institute and some departments which include music, record, poster and contribution.───它还建有自己的研究机构和包括音乐 、 唱片 、 海报、捐赠物在内的资料部门.