the pith of her argument───她论据的核心
Major Shairpe, much spruced up and wearing a pith helmet , arrived on the dot of nine.───谢普少校打扮得整洁多了,戴着一顶编织着木髓的钢盔, 正好九点来到.
That was the pith of his argument.───那就是他论据的要点.
Peel the oranges, removing the white pith and slice into 4mm slices.───鲜橙剥皮,撕去白色经络,切成4毫米厚片。
Nerval pathological changes has axial mutation sex first, afterwards has pith scabbard denaturation.───神经的病变先有轴突变性, 继有髓鞘变性.
Heartwood is the mature wood, which is often darker, extending from the sapwood to the pith.───心材通常是成熟的木材部分, 通常色泽较暗, 范围从边材一直到髓心.
Using a sharp knife, cut away the pith and peel from both fruits.───用一把锋利的刀削去两种水果的外皮和中果皮。
South African cycad ; the farinaceous pith of the fruit used as food.───南非苏铁; 含淀粉的果实可以作为食物.