Tiles are laid to overlap each other.───屋瓦是一个压一个地重叠放置的.
The relationship between food niche breadth or niche overlap and body size was also insignificant.───此外各种鼩鼱的食性宽度和种间食性重叠度和体型大小的关系亦不明显.
The overlap among these portfolios has been very, very low.───这些投资组合极少出现重叠现象.
Use vinyl seam adhesive where vinyls overlap.───塑料布相叠处用塑料封口胶粘起来。
His duties and mine overlap.───他的任务和我的任务有重叠.
The scheme's twin axes overlap a single pitched roof to create a set of sheathed interiors.───房屋外观构造的双轴线被叠加在一个单独存在的房屋顶部上,从而形成了一组被包裹起来的内部空间.
The fact that British , Chilean, and Argentine claims overlap has been ignored.───该条约没有理睬英国 、 智利和阿根廷互相重叠的领土要求.
From increasing experience with these conditions, there is also much overlap.───对上述情况不断积累的经验来看, 其相互间仍有许多共同之处.
The overlap between the jacket and the trousers is not good.