Open a shoe store
开鞋───Open shoes;店───store
And when the weather warms up, it feels wonderful to bare your feet in open-toed shoes, sandals or flip-flops.───而且当天气越来越热的时候,光脚,穿凉鞋或者人字拖是相当舒服的。
It used to be all runners needed were a good pair of shoes and an open stretch of trail.───在过去,跑步者们希望的就是拥一双好的跑步鞋和一条宽敞舒适的跑道。
As she pulls the shoes out, the box with the sandwiches in it breaks open and the ham, the cheese, and the bread slices fall into the sand.───当她把鞋子拿出来的时候,装着三明治的盒子打开了,火腿、奶酪和面包片都掉在了沙子里。