Manchester United were by now oozing with confidence.───曼彻斯特联队现在充满信心。
Blood was still oozing from the wound.───血仍然从伤口渗出.
He saw there was a big hole in the back of the man's head, blood was still oozing from it.───他看到这个男人后脑勺上有道大口子,血还在往外渗。
The wound was oozing blood.───伤口流着血。
All she does is stand around oozing sex appeal.───她只能站在那装出性感模样.
These start bleeding and milky fluid starts oozing.───跟着红疱流脓,流血,和流出奶白色的液体.
He [ His body ] was oozing sweat.───他 [ 他的身体 ] 在流汗.
They're opening up, and the fatty tissues are oozing out.───受损的皮肤正在破裂, 脂肪组织已经暴露出来了.
Oil was oozing through ( the crack ).───油从裂缝 渗出.
His forehead was oozing sweat.───额上沁出了汗珠.
The ice cream was melting and oozing out of its wrapper.