He started out to write a novel.───他着手写一部小说.
Write me, and let me know how things go.───望来信, 谈谈你那儿的情况.
At every stage in the production there will be paperwork— forms to fill in, permissions to obtain, letters to write.───在生产的每个阶段都有文书工作——填表格,报批,写信。
You must remember to write home.───你必须记着给家里写信.
Finding a volunteer to write the computer program isn't a problem.───找个志愿者编这个计算机程序不成问题。
He read the words and decided to write new music for them.───他读后决定为这首词谱写一个新曲子.
We asked Jason to write an essay about his hometown and about his place in it.───我们让贾森写一篇有关他的家乡和他自己的家的短文。
Write me while you're away.───你外出期间给我写信。
Write it down on a piece of paper.
I'll write it up on the board.
By writing you learn to write.
Please write to confirm your reservation .
Write down the advice of him that loves you, though you like it not at present.