The wide paved road degenerated into a narrow bumpy track.───铺好的宽阔道路渐渐变窄,成了一条崎岖不平的小径.
her austere bedroom with its simple narrow bed───她那仅有一张窄床的简陋卧室
The path is too narrow for two people to walk together.───这条路太窄,两个人不能并行.
The path was so narrow that it hardly admitted of two persons walking abreast.───路这样窄,几乎不可能让两个人并排行走.
Narrow corridors lead off from the main hallway.───狭长的通道从主廊延展开来.
Panic set in as gatecrashers tried to force their way through the narrow doors and corridors.───当不速之客试图强行穿过狭窄的门和走廊时,大家开始感到恐慌了。
He coaxed the large chair through the narrow door.───他巧妙地把一张椅子从狭窄的门搬进去.
The tug eased into the narrow docking space.───拖船小心地驶入狭窄的码头停泊处.