narrative poem
Narrate latitude converting from time to space.───叙事纬度由时间向空间的转换。
Would you narrate me your call digit?───你能吿诉我你的电话号码吗?
three of them narrate the same events from three perspectives.───他们3个人从3个角度叙述同样那些事件。
She knows thunder Gu any can't pass hers, whatever don't narrate to, she had not wanted as well to drift onward favor this of on the hoof.───她知道雷孤凡不会放过她的,不过没有关系,她也从来没有想着这样苟且的活着。
The presenter did not narrate slides . But he told a story, and the visuals helped a great deal.───演讲者没有叙述自己的幻灯片,而是在讲故事,图像则大大帮助了他的讲述。
As he continued to narrate his story I could hardly bear to listen.───他继续叙述他的故事,我几乎不忍心听下去。
The story is narrated by its hero.
The main character narrates the story.
She entertained them by narrating her adventures in Africa.
The film was narrated by Andrew Sachs.
Some of the story was narrated in the film.