Never leave you again
再也不───no longer;离开───leave
He's no longer a depressive character.───他不再是一个抑郁的人物。
These conditions no longer obtain.───这些条件不再适用。
He no longer lives here.───他不再住这儿了。
Yeltsin faced up to the fact that he was no longer fit for the Russian presidency and resigned on New Year's Eve.───叶利钦勇敢地接受了他不再适合做俄罗斯总统的这一现实并于新年前夜辞职了。
Men in turn have felt threatened by the emerging Amazon women who no longer seem to need them and they may slip into a form of complacency.───随着亚马逊女人(她们看似不再需要男性)的出现,男性受到的威胁感与越来越强,长此以往他们将沦落成鸡肋。
The children can get better medical care and education is no longer limited to a small number of people exclusively.───孩子们可以得到更好的医疗保健,而且教育已不再是为有限的少数人所专有的了。