natural law
She is a natural athlete.───她是个天生的运动健将。
His hair had a natural curl.───他的头发是自然鬈。
The area has good natural drainage.───这个地区有良好的天然排水系统。
Again, this loss does not show up in the FAO's figures, and the resulting emissions are considered to be natural, not man-made.───又一次,其损失数额没有出现在联合国粮农组织的统计中,导致的温室气体排放被看作是自然现象,而不是人为造成的。
The ears are never cropped and the tail is usually docked, but can be left in its natural state as well.───耳朵从来都不裁减和它的尾巴被罚分,但可以通常在它的自然状态。
Although the scene somewhat lack the natural, open and lofty feel, the garden is still a masterpiece of meticulous work.───虽然使得景色有点缺乏自然、开放和高耸的感觉,但整个花园仍不失为一个精致杰作。
Dying is as natural as living.
Natural abilities are like natural plants that need pruning by study.
The town has a small natural harbour.
We can't overbuild a natural environment area.
Our skin cream contains only natural ingredients.