Malaysian currency
This is Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia.───我想要表达句子是:这是吉隆坡马来西亚.
Until 1974 all Malaysia's oil was pumped by foreigners.───直到1974年,所有的马来西亚石油均由外国人开采.
Malaysia has emerged as the toughest critic of the North's environmental attitudes.───马来西亚已成为对北方发达国家环境态度的最强硬的批评者。
The Strait of Malacca lies between Malaysia and Sumatra.───马六甲海峡位于马来西亚和苏门答腊之间.
Subsidies in Malaysia are expected to total about $ 1.45 bn this year.───预计今年马来西亚的补贴总额约为14.5亿美元.
The coconut palm is a native of Malaysia.───椰子树原产于马来西亚。
At Beryl's it's all about delivering the best chocolates in Malaysia.───在绿柱石的,它的所有约提供最好的巧克力在马来西亚举行.
The coconut palm is a native of Malaysia.───这棵椰子树是马来西亚的土生植物。