Main film types
The story unfolds as the film goes on.───情节随着影片的进展逐步展开.
The televised interview was distilled from 16 hours of film.───那次电视采访是从16个小时的影片中选出的精华.
It's not just mindless entertainment, it's a film with a message.───它并不是一部没有意思的娱乐片, 而是一部有寓意的影片.
She said her future husband would not let her make another film.───她说她的未婚夫不会让她再拍电影了. (此句用wouldnot let, 意思是“阻止”)
Please tell us your impressions of the film.───请你谈谈看了这部影片后的感想.
He nevertheless completed the film with breathtaking speed.───但他还是以惊人的速度拍完了这部电影。
Film critic Bob Mondello shares his thoughts on the movie "City of Hope".───影评家鲍勃·蒙德洛和大家分享他对电影《希望之城》的看法。
Film critics are dreadful moaners.───电影评论家都是些令人讨厌的满腹牢骚的人。
We also went to see the film.
The film had an exciting plot.
He refused to appear nude in the film.
We saw the film and afterwards walked home together.
The film exploited his image and infringed his copyright.