The magic cure for inflation does not exist.───抑制通货膨胀没有什么灵丹妙药。
The wicked old woman charmed the princess with magic words.───那个老巫婆用咒语控制了公主.
They believe in magic.───他们相信魔力。
He suddenly appeared as if by magic.───他突然神奇地出现了。
People say of her that she uses black magic.───人们说她使用巫术.
This was surely a magic formula for Old Fan as his head ached each time he heard it.───对老范来说,这就是紧箍咒,每回一听说起保管头痛.
Art and history fuse in inextricable magic.───艺术和历史魔术般地溶和在一起,难解难分.
This soap works like magic — the stains just disappear.───这种肥皂真神奇,污垢一下子就没了.