Magic words
Do you believe in magic?───你相信巫术吗?
They believe in magic.───他们相信魔力。
He suddenly appeared as if by magic.───他突然神奇地出现了。
Most people regard Apple as an innovation factory, as if everything they produce is magic and has never been done before.───大部分人都认为苹果公司是一个创新工厂,好像他们所生产的一切都是神奇的、而且前无古人。
Imprisoned throughout the changing of the years is the Dark One, fastened by magic in his mountain prison, Shayol Ghul.───在漫长的年代更迭中,黑暗之王被沙约尔·弗尔施法囚禁在他的山脉监狱中。
My wife is always overspending. She seems to think I can wave my magic wand and get money out of the air.───我妻子一直花钱如流水,她似乎认为我可变魔术似地从空中得到钱。