My penny
Brilliant students are ten a penny at that college.───出色的学生在那所大学里有的是.
He spends every penny he earns.───他把赚得的每一分钱都花掉了.
He's never turned an honest penny in his life.───他一生中没有用正当手段赚过一点钱.
Gary clutched a penny in his fist.───加里将一枚便士攥在手中。
Unhappily for Berkowitz, he never got a penny.───可惜伯科威茨从来没得到过一分钱。
Every penny was hard earned, and every shilling was kept until I had to spend it.───每个便士都那么难挣, 对于每个先令,都是到万不得已时才花掉它.
Don't feel ashamed — we don't despise the widow's mite , and, as they say, every penny helps.───不用觉得不好意思——我们不会瞧不起微薄但可贵的捐赠的, 正如人们说的, 每一文钱都会起作用.
She was left without a penny.───她已到了贫困潦倒的地步.