Moderation to harmony
中庸───The Doctrine of the Mean;致和───To make peace
Doctrine of the Mean is the subject worth researching on and arguing about.───中庸》的教育哲学思想是值得深入研究和探讨的课题。
How can we reach the state of the Doctrine of the Mean?───怎样才能达到中庸的境界呢?
doctrine of the mean" is as one of the important composed parts of Lin Ytang's humanism thought is a very vital aspect of Lin Yutang's culture thought.───中庸”作为林语堂人文主义思想的重要组成部分,是林语堂文化思想中十分重要的一个方面。
The Doctrine of the Mean as a core part of Confucianism is an important component of our traditional culture.───作为儒家思想核心部分的中庸思想,是我国传统文化的重要组成部分。
On account of "situation" , "The Doctrine of the Mean" encounter with aesthetics.───这样“中庸”和美学在“境域”观念中相遇了。
As one of the traditional element, "the doctrine of the mean" exists with a kind of new life form in Yutang Lin.───作为一种传统元素,“中庸”在林语堂这里以一种新的生命形式存在着。
Which Made it the Doctrine of the Mean method to solve the problem for society, all the difference in nature, differences, contradictions have the ability to resolve.
Their literatures showed the primal localize to Christianism. We would try to prove that the way they absorbed the different culture is the absolutely Chinese way called The Doctrine of the Mean.